Cell and developmental biology of
early oogenesis
Mechanisms of the centrosome organizing center and the coordination of cellular compartments in oocyte symmetry breaking
Upstream regulation of the centrosome organizing center by the mitotic program
Oocyte polarization utilizes prion-like mechanisms
Ciliary functions in early oogenesis
Our lab investigates cellular mechanisms of early oocyte differentiation, from the stem cell to the follicle.
We have discovered a novel cellular organizer that integrates multiple cellular processes such as mitosis, meiosis, cell polarity, prion-like mechanisms, mechanical regulation and ciliary functions in the oocyte. Its investigation allows us to study how these programs are coordinated by the cell on a single platform of early oogenesis.
We use zebrafish as our model and utilize methods of advanced genetics and quantitative microscopy.

Yaniv M. Elkouby, PhD
Senior Lecturer (Assistant professor)
Department of Developmental Biology
and Cancer Research
The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Faculty of Medicine
Institute for Medical Research Israel-Canada (IMRIC)
Building 3, Floor 0, Room 3049
Ein-Kerem Campus
Jerusalem, Israel
Office +972-2-6757028
Lab +972-2-6758077
*For orders and quotes contact Dr. Yoel Bogoch: